Fortnite's Battle Royale is going stealthy for its next limited-time event
Epic Games has announced Sneaky Silencer, a new stealth-focussed limited-time mode for Fortnite's Battle Royale.
Fortnite's Sneaky Silencer event is scheduled to commence on January 5th in the UK, and runs until January 8th. It follows on from a number of other recent limited-time activities, including a 50v50 mode, and a High Explosives mode which ended earlier today.
When the Sneaky Silencer mode begins, weapons will be limited to Suppressed SMG and Suppressed Pistols only, and traps will be disabled. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the frequency of Bush drops - that is, the item which brilliantly, hilariously enables you to roam around disguised as a bit of shrubbery - will be greatly increased.
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