Civilization 6: Rise and Fall review

I have this feeling that no one is actually any good at playing Civilization. There probably is someone, sure, but it feels like there isn't. I definitely don't know anyone who's any good, and the people who I know to be not-so-good at Civ only seem to know other people who are also not-so-good at Civ.

The more I think about that the more I realise it's probably the point. To play Civilization is to constantly bounce between knowing exactly what you're doing and having no idea what you're doing. A lot of the time it's both mixed together - I know I need to be building cavalry, because I'm going for a military victory with Genghis Khan and so I know cavalry are good, but when should I be building them? Should I be worrying about growing my Production first so I can churn them out faster? And what about Science - if the war goes on for long enough I can't risk getting left behind in the arms race, so when do I start thinking about that?

With time, that uncertainty inevitably starts to fade. The more you play, the more you learn about build orders and min-maxing and optimisation in its many, many forms. Get your cavalry out early and the Production will come from your Encampment buildings, and Science from citizens of the Civs you conquer.

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