Deadly Premonition director is taking a second stab at crowdfunding his cat-based murder mystery

Deadly Premonition director Hidetaka "Swery" Suehiro has announced that he and his White Owls studio will make a second attempt to crowdfund cat-based murder mystery game The Good Life in March, this time on Kickstarter.

The Good Life, in its original guise at least, was a "daily life RPG" set in the quaint English village of Rainy Woods - a location loosely based on Hitchin. Importantly however, Rainy Woods' inhabitants (unlike Hitchin's?) could transform into cats at night. As if that wasn't enough to be getting on with, The Good Life featured a whodunnit murder narrative too.

Swery first attempted to crowdfund The Good Life last September on Fig, but those efforts were unsuccessful. The game only managed to raise around a third of its $1.5m target by the time that the campaign deadline arrived in October.

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