Overwatch League Is Making Its First Trades

Overwatch League is still young, so it's exciting to see what will surely be common practices in the future happen for the first time.

To that point, Overwatch is experiencing its first trades and acquisitions. According to ESPN, Chan-hyung "Fissure" Baek is in the process of being traded from the London Spitfire to the Los Angeles Gladiators. Kotaku is also reporting that the Dallas Fuel is working to trade Kim “Rascal” Dong-jun from the London Spitfire. New players are joining, as well, with the Dallas Fuel picking up Dylan “aKm” Bignet from a French team called Rogue and Florida Mayhem is picking up Ha “Sayaplayer” Jung Woo and Kim “aWesomeGuy” Sung Hoon, both of whom played for the Korean team Meta Athena.

We've been interviewing an assortment of Overwatch League players as during its first years. You can read our most recent interview with Andrej "Babybay" Francisty right here.

[Via Kotaku, ESPN]