Sicario 2 director in talks to make the Call of Duty movie

It sounds like the Call of Duty movie is gathering pace: Variety reports the director of the upcoming Sicario 2 is in talks to direct the movie based on Activision's mega shooter.

Stefano Sollima (Gomorra) is in the negotiations stage, according to the report, so it may be the case that nothing comes of it. It's also worth remembering that so many planned films based on video games amount to nothing (where's that Halo movie?), so don't hold your breath.

Activision seemed keen to get movies based on its games off the ground when it set up Activision Blizzard Studios back in 2015, but so far all we've seen is a Skylanders (remember that?) show. Has Activision boss Bobby Kotick cooled on the risky business of making films based on his precious video game brands?

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