Nintendo Switch, one year on

How best to chart 12 months in which Nintendo returned to the frontlines, and stirred up a frenzy not seen since the phenomenon that was the Wii? For a console that's uniquely personal - one that will follow by your side wherever you go, allowing video games to slot in all those gaps in our everyday lives - it's 12 months that have been defined by some truly magical moments.

I don't think anyone anticipated it going quite as well as this. Least of all myself, one of the naysayers who ended up watching the Nintendo Switch's reveal event last January with a fog of despondency creeping in the air, Amiibo tossed across the floor in disgust as I watched on with sad horror as the pricing of the console, its games and accessories were revealed alongside a paltry-looking launch line-up. Maybe it was something to do with dragging myself out of bed just before 4am to see the show unfurl, but it was a miserable feeling.

I wasn't the only one consumed by gloom - later that morning, as we all got our chance to play the Switch in the bowels of Hammersmith's Apollo, the atmosphere can only be described as funereal. The mood was only really lightened by an hour spent discovering the newly-revealed Arms with a friend; the only light in an otherwise dreary afternoon. Nintendo had surely priced itself out of serious contention. Could another Wii U-esque disaster be on the cards?

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