Streamer Hits Sea Of Thieves' Highest Rank, Other Fans Are Not Happy About It

Sea of Thieves has a rank of Pirate Legend that was hit this past week by Prod1gyX, but some fans are claiming he didn't achieve it in a fair way.

The Pirate Legend class is not meant to be reached easily. It is the core goal of the game's lateral progression system and gives players an objective beyond the ships-and-treasure gameplay loop. To hit it, players have to hit level 50 in all three of the game's factions, which is no small task.

Enter Prod1gyX, who has been playing Sea of Thieves a lot since release. A lot. One stream of his lasted eighteen hours, which makes it no real surprise that Prod1gyX has amassed quite a group of Sea of Thieves fans eager to see him become the first player in the world to hit Pirate Legend.

As he progressed, and as it became really clear how much work was going to go into this, Prod1gyX started accepting help from the community. Fans of his streams would give him gold, a resource that he could simply turn around to use for himself. While Prod1gyX was doing other quests, people grouped together, completed quests, and had him join in right before they turned it in.

It worked. After hitting level 50 in all the factions and solving a mystery with his crew, Prod1gyX became the first Pirate Legend in the world. 

As a result, a lot of fans of the game are accusing Prod1gyX of reaching the status by cheating and having his audience do most of the work. Fans of the game on Reddit and Twitter have tried circulating a #NotMyPirateLegend hashtag to spread word about Prod1gyX, with comments on Reddit outlining their frustrations with how they perceive his skill at the game.

"He does almost nothing while playing," a comment reads. "He stops every five seconds to look at his chat while his crew is running around doing everything for him. He can't aim, he is a noob with the sword, he has no idea where to go and what to do and just seems confused half of the time. You can totally tell that he got boosted most of the way."

It has been assumed that Rare would, in some way or another, honor the first player to become Pirate Legend, which rubs a lot of fans the wrong way. "If Rare makes a legit shrine to him in the game, I will go out of my way to deface it in every lobby," wrote another user in a now-deleted comment.

For his part, Prod1gyX just finds the whole controversy funny, and doesn't understand why people are mad. "This is nuts,” he tweeted. "I just wanted to see Pirate legend."


Our Take
I imagine no small part of the frustration is finding out exactly what becoming Pirate Legend unlocked and fans are focusing on 
Prod1gyX as a focal point of those frustrations. That said, I doubt anyone at Rare expected this is how the first Pirate Legend would ascend and I'm pretty surprised they didn't see it coming a mile away.