Kongregate Digital Store Kartridge Outlines Details Of Developer Revenue Share

Kartridge, the upcoming digital store from the Gamestop-owned Kongregate, has announced their methods for revenue sharing with developers selling games on the service.

For the first $10,000 of a game's sales, the developer gets 100% of the revenue from the sale. This had previously been announced as a timed promotion for developers, but has since been extended indefinitely. This is on a per-title basis, so developers with multiple games get it on every game.

To encourage exclusivity, Kongregate extends that number to $40,000 for exclusive content with a 90% share going to developers. Developers can opt out of exclusivity when they want, but unlike the base $10,000, this is a timed promotion. Developers need to opt in before the end of October to take advantage of this.

The industry-wide standard, with some variability, is a 70/30 split with the latter amount going to store owners or licensors. This is still true for Kartridge after the applicable caps have been hit. Katridge is expected to enter open beta this summer.


Our Take
For lower-volume games, this is a fantastic thing. If Kartridge takes off, it could be a good place for indies that find themselves lost on Steam.