Outlast 2 on Switch compared with PlayStation 4

We've had a lot of requests to look at Outlast 2 on Switch, principally because - on the surface, at least - it's a remarkable facsimile of the PlayStation 4 version of the game. It's also a technical curiosity in that it's based on Unreal Engine 3; a technology that isn't supported on Switch by its creator, Epic Games. However, there's nothing to stop the developer itself porting its own game. It worked out nicely for the UE3-powered Rocket League - and the same is true for Outlast 2.

First impressions are certainly impressive. Perceptually speaking, it's hard to argue that Outlast 2 isn't indeed delivering an experience that looks remarkably similar to the current-gen home consoles, and reviews of the conversion have been generally positive. However, the reality is that developer Red Barrels has nipped and tucked at the presentation - but some compromises are more obvious than others. Most will pass by without notice, but the developers' key concession for Switch users is in terms of performance: there's a shift to a 30fps cap, as opposed to the 60 found on the existing console versions of the game.

The rendering resolution side of things is taken care of handily though. Red Barrels has confirmed a 1792x1008 resolution for the first Outlast on Switch while docked, with a standard 720p in mobile mode. Our tests confirm that it's the same deal on the sequel, giving a crisp presentation on both living room flatpanels and the Switch's integrated display. Elsewhere, there have been changes - textures are cut back in quality, sub-surface scattering on character skin is missing, while shadows and ambient occlusion are also dialled back. Geometry complexity in some aspects is also reduced in quality significantly.

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