PUBG's next update brings Fortnite-style spectating, a fix to buggy vehicles and more

PUBG developer Bluehole has published a flurry of announcements over the past few days, with the headline addition being Update 9's new kind of spectator mode, which will let you watch the player who killed you as they carry on through the match.

The obvious inspiration, of course, is fellow battle royale rival Fortnite, which has had the same feature since they implemented their own take on the 100-player free-for-all last year.

It's proven popular amongst Fortnite players, with the system a great fit for the genre - in the same way as PUBG's own, esports-style replay system has been great for showing up all the near-misses you never knew existed - but it'll be interesting to see how PUBG's generally Fortnite-averse playerbase takes it.

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