Eurogamer Q&A: Desert Island Games

We've all considered the scenario, right? By some wretched twist of fate, you find yourself stranded on a desert island with just one piece of entertainment to last you the entirety of your indefinite stay, with only the palm trees for company.

It's a big choice. You need to pick something that's going to challenge you, or hold your attention long enough so you don't go loco en la cabeza, planting a bloody handprint on the game's case and treating it as if it were your new best friend.

It's kind of dumb, given that such a fictional setup would at least require a limitless supply of power and possibly a TV and internet, but it's something I've considered a great deal. Would I opt for something like Metal Gear Solid - probably my favourite game of all-time, BUT potentially not something I could play repeatedly - or do I choose something which still holds up when played hundreds of times, like Tetris?

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