The game developers telling their story of Nicaragua's deadly crackdown on protesters

On the first of June, Claudio Norori and Antonio Vargas announced that they were halting development of their early access game Eternal Winter. "You may or may not know about the horrible situation unfolding in our country," Norori wrote. "Nicaragua is going through a very dark moment."

Since April, demonstrations have sprung up throughout the country. Over 100 people have been killed: mainly protesters, many of them students.

"Many people think that we are protesting some social security reform, but that was just the spark," Norori explains to me. "We grew tired of corruption, of repression, we grew tired of having to watch our mouth when we talk about politics and the ways those bastards are killing the future of our country. For many years, Daniel Ortega's government has been using "socialism" propaganda to hide what everyone already knows: they are nothing but a bloodthirsty dictatorship. We are protesting to regain our freedom."

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