Todd Howard Talks Bethesda's Future With The Nintendo Switch

During an interview with, Bethesda director Todd Howard talked through tight lips about Fallout 76, Starfield, and a number of other Bethesda properties. However, things got a little more interesting when Howard offered his candid thoughts on The Switch as a platform as well as some promising if vague thoughts on the developer's future with the device.

Here's what he says:

There’s definitely interest, [but it's] not something that we are exploring right now. We think that the Switch is a great platform. It was the first time we really worked closely with Nintendo on Skyrim – really really great experience and we’ll certainly be doing things with the platform in the future, but right now it’s not a mainline Fallout 4.

You can watch the whole interview here at

For more on Bethesda's Switch endeavors, you can check out our reviews of the Skyrim and Doom Switch ports.