When did we forget people - not brands - make games?

The downfall of Telltale, maker of The Walking Dead episodic series of games, sent shockwaves rippling through the video game industry. Over 200 people lost their jobs in one fell swoop. That's shocking enough, but here's the kicker: Telltale let these people go without giving them severance pay. This means hundreds of staff will struggle to pay rent, mortgages, or perhaps even feed their families. According to one former member of the team, some started at Telltale as recently as a week ago, and some of those people have children. At least one relocated across the country. The situation is heartbreaking.

The immediate outpouring of support from the industry and many gamers on social media was welcome. But as other video game companies, such as Ubisoft, highlighted available positions and Telltale fans tweeted their favourite Telltale game memories, the discourse started to change. I noticed people wonder about the fate of The Walking Dead's final season, which may end prematurely as a result of the mass layoffs. This wonder became concern, then anger and now, well, there's no nice way to put this: there are shockingly bad takes all round. I've seen people writing on the internet that Telltale's ex-staff - ex-staff! - should complete The Walking Dead's final season for free. I can't think of a more objectionable opinion.

And then, last night, Telltale, which, by the way, continues to operate with some 25 staff "to fulfill the company's obligations to its board and partners", issued a tweet saying "multiple potential partners have stepped forward to express interest in helping to see The Final Season through to completion", which suggests episodes three and four may see the light of day. Fans reacted to this tweet with joy, but I couldn't help but shake my head. How tone deaf. How insensitive. How soul-destroying for the hundreds now without a job, that their previous bosses, those managers who ran the company - and its staff - into the ground over the course of years would throw them under a bus without severance, only to say just days later that others may come in to finish the job.

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