An official Twin Peaks VR game is in the works, and it's set inside the Red Room

When Twin Peaks' third, magisterial season ended with that scene last year, it seemed like something of a definite (albeit confounding) full stop for the seminal series. I certainly wasn't expecting to ever report that Twin Peaks' legacy would continue as an official VR game - but here we are!

Twin Peaks VR is being shepherded into existence by Showtime, with David Lynch apparently involved, and is directly tied to last year's astonishing series revival, Twin Peaks: The Return. Starting out at Glastonbury Grove, Twin Peaks VR will take players through the curtain and into the Red Room - then, following in the footsteps of Special Agent Dale Cooper, they'll need to "try to make their way back into the life they left behind".

And in the unlikely event that you need your memory jogging, here's what the Red Room looked like a quarter of a century ago - you know, just to make everyone feel old.

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