Mega Man's getting a live-action Hollywood film, which nobody asked for

Yes, you read the headline right. Capcom has announced that Mega Man is being adapted into a live-action Hollywood film for the first time (and maybe the last).

To mark Mega Man's 30th anniversary, Capcom believes a live-action film will "energise the brand further" and has given it the working title "MEGA MAN" in all-caps because it's obviously going to be ACTION packed.

The film's going to be directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, the folks that brought you horror films like Paranormal Activity 3 and 4. If this is anything to go by, Capcom could end up showing a darker, grittier side of Mega Man to fans - his Mega Buster cannon tearing enemies to shreds, quiet scenes in the local android cafe where Mega Man sits with his mate Proto Man and seriously questions his entire existence dedicated to fighting robots - this sort of thing.

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