Scientists create poll to name real-life ants after Pokémon

Have you ever wished Pokémon were real? Of course you have - it's practically everyone's fantasy. I'm afraid Pokémon haven't literally been brought to life, but thanks to the work of scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, some real-world creatures are about to be named after them.

In a highly unusual move, an international team of mymecologists (ant scientists) have decided to let the public decide the names of five new species of ant. They've set up a website specifically for this purpose, which lists a wide selection of Pokémon for voters to choose from including Charizard, Ariados and Pikachu. I'm a little confused by some of these, as Pikachu looks nothing like an ant, but there we go.

The scientists seem particularly keen for voters to choose from the "Tapus", as these Alolan Pokémon were likely inspired by Polynesian culture. I guess these names would certainly suit Fijian insects.

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