Bethesda offers 500 Atoms to customers affected by Fallout 76 bag-gate

If you thought the controversy surrounding Fallout 76 ended at the game itself, you're in for a surprise. Bethesda is now in trouble with fans for promising a canvas duffel bag in its $200 (£156) Power Armour Edition of the game - and instead delivering a cheap nylon replacement.

Now, in an attempt to placate fans, Bethesda has apologised and promised to give affected customers 500 Atoms (Fallout 76's in-game currency) as compensation.

The foundations for bag-gate began last week when recipients of the Power Armour Edition noticed something was amiss in their deluxe package. Customers began to post comparisons of the promotional material for the edition and what was actually delivered, and claimed Bethesda had changed the bag's description on the site after they began submitting complaints. Sure enough, the official Bethesda Store now says the bag is made of nylon, but the image still reads "canvas," as does the Amazon listing for the product.

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