Bethesda's Fallout 76 refund policy causes confusion, as lawyers circle

It's no secret that Fallout 76 has had technical issues. The PC version, in particular, has experienced several bugs - including one which deleted 50GB worth of game data, and another (slightly more amusing) bug which made players immortal. Yet for some, the problems proved too much, and several players have now attempted to claim refunds via the Bethesda game launcher. But with players getting mixed results, Bethesda's refund policy is leaving customers perplexed. So much so, in fact, that the situation has now caught the attention of an American law firm.

The online confusion began last week when reports of PC refunds began to surface on Reddit. Players claimed Bethesda had sent their money back almost instantly once they'd sent a support ticket listing reasons for needing a refund. This seemed unusual, particularly given the terms and conditions for Fallout 76 on the Bethesda launcher state you cannot apply for a refund once the software has been used.

Sure enough, in the following days other players complained that their applications had been rejected on the grounds that "customers who have downloaded the game are not eligible for a refund". Bethesda has not yet publicly explained its returns policy, and Eurogamer has contacted the company to ask for clarification.

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