Nintendo is celebrating Christmas disgustingly early with Super Mario Odyssey's latest outfit

If you're the kind of person who thinks it's acceptable to start the Christmas festivities before December 1st, well then two things: i) NO and ii) you're apparently in good company, because Nintendo's at it too, having decided to come over all seasonal in Super Mario Odyssey on Switch.

Nintendo has, you see, just updated last year's breathtaking platformer with yet another pair of free Mario outfits. But for some reason, despite it being November 23rd, this is one of them:

I mean, sure, Mario looks adorable in his little Santa outfit, complete with matching facial adornment, but it does all feel awfully premature. That said, Nintendo also managed to celebrate Halloween nearly two weeks too early when it settled on a Splatoon seasonal event earlier in the year, so perhaps it's just working to an exceptionally weird calendar.

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