Bethesda to finally deliver canvas bags following Fallout 76 fan fury

If you've been anywhere near the internet in the past few days, you're likely to have seen the backlash to Fallout 76 "bag-gate", or as I like to call it, "the kerduffel". After players complained Bethesda had replaced a canvas bag with a cheap nylon version in the £179.99 Power Armour Edition of the game, the company tried to smooth things over by offering customers 500 Atoms of in-game currency, worth about £3.99. It was a gesture that obviously did not go down well.

Now, it seems Bethesda has finally decided to make good on its advertising, as the company is currently manufacturing replacement canvas bags.

The tweet states affected customers need to submit a ticket to Bethesda's support site by January 31st. There's no set date or time-frame given for the delivery of the bags, but the company has promised they will be shipped "as soon as [they] are ready".

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