Civilization 6: Gathering Storm has a new civ that begins the game at sea

Civilization 6: Gathering Storm adds a new civ that's got a pretty powerful starting advantage: it begins the game at sea.

This starting ability makes sense for the Maori. According to Maori legend, Kupe was a navigator who set sail from his home of Hawaiki sometime in the 10th century and discovered the then-unknown land of New Zealand. Upon returning home, he convinced others to migrate with him to this new land. Sailing, then, was in his blood.

Inspired by the tale of Kupe's discovery of New Zealand, Firaxis created the unique leader ability Kupe's Voyage, which means the civ's starting units begin the game at sea. Not only that, they receive science and culture each turn prior to settling their first city. Once settled, the Maori receive a free builder and extra population in the capital, and the palace receives additional housing and amenities.

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