Fallout 76 patch kills item duplication and makes bobby pins lighter

The next Fallout 76 patch is here - and boy is it chunky one. Patch takes aim at many of the game's most unpopular bugs, with over 150 changes being made to the game.

Remember when PC players complained bugs were preventing them from even playing the game? Worry no more, as the infinite load screen crash bug has been zapped, meaning you can play Fallout 76 to your heart's content. Hooray.

Meanwhile, if you've been on the Fallout subreddit in the past few days, you'll have spotted a great deal of angst regarding duplication glitches in the game. If the name hadn't already given it away, this meant players could create copies of items - thereby causing problems with the in-game economy and allowing people to sell dozens of legendary weapons for real-life cash on eBay.

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