New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is for the hardest of hardcore Mario players

Watching games, I've learnt approximately ten years after everyone else, can be just as rewarding as playing them, something that's clearer than ever in the Switch edition of New Super Mario Bros U.

This new collection, which bundles together the 2012 game alongside its 2013 follow-up New Super Luigi U, is the latest of Nintendo's efforts to get the Wii U back catalogue, overlooked by many, onto the Switch (and if anyone over at Nintendo is reading, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Pikmin 3 next please). It's an obvious choice for a revisit, a platformer of the highest pedigree that's undoubtedly the peak of the New Super Mario Bros series.

These are games that revisit the meticulous 2D engineering of the original Mario Bros games, the hard edges and stubborn challenge given a marshmallow-soft visual makeover that can be somewhat divisive. New Super Mario Bros U boasts some of the hardest edges to date (and particularly in its fiendish Luigi-themed follow-up), though by this point the visuals have bloomed into something more cohesive. Take the Soda Jungle's Painted Swampland, its backdrop a straight lift of Van Gogh's The Starry Night, and you've got one of the most visually striking Mario levels yet.

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