PUBG banishes a further 12 pros over reported "radar hacking"

We've become pretty used to hearing about major ban waves from PUBG, and it seems even professional players are getting caught out, as PUBG Corp has punished a further 12 pros for either cheating or allowing their teammates to cheat.

The first part of the purge, which began in December, turfed out four pros along with over 30,000 other players. This latest development bans a further 10 pros for cheating, and suspends another two from competitive play "on the grounds that they were fully knowledgeable about their teammates' using an unauthorized program during PUBG Europe League Qualifiers". That brings us to 16 pro players affected in total.

The six players who used the cheating program in professional matches are receiving a three year suspension from competition, while the four who used it only in public games get the slightly lighter punishment of two years. Sans Domicile, a European team which had four members involved in the cheating, has lost its Contenders League spot and can only re-join subsequent events once it has an entirely new roster.

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