Journey dev's ambient gust-'em-up Flower is out now on PC

Developer thatgamecompany's well-regarded ambient gust-'em-up, Flower, is now available on PC, a little over a decade after its PlayStation debut.
Flower, a spiritual successor to thatgamecompany's equally atmospheric underwater oddity Flow, first launched on PS3 in February 2009, and has made the leap to PlayStation 4, Vita, and even iOS in the years since.
For those unfamiliar, it's very much a mood piece, casting players as a sentient parp of wind. At the start of the adventure, you're little more than a gentle breeze, with a single flower petal in your grip - but as you continue over vibrant, undulating fields, picking up strength, you'll rapidly gather more petals into a hypnotic, tumbling swell of colour.
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