Apex Legends' battle pass is a joyless slog

After two hours playing Apex Legends with my friends on Tuesday evening, I can't say I was particularly thrilled to finally reach level two and finally receive... an orange-brown skin for a gun, and a loot box with some junk in it.
Three days and a whole lot of playing later, I'm now at level six on the battle pass, and it's sucking much of the joy out of my Apex Legends experience. There are two main reasons for this: one being the battle pass' disappointing content, and the other being the messy progression system.
And, unlike the thoughtful and well-designed gameplay in Apex Legends - this battle pass doesn't bring anything new to the table. The first Apex Legends battle pass feels like it's lacking soul, and Respawn clearly has a lot of work to do in getting the system right.
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