With Samurai Shodown, SNK is properly back

It's a prospect so exciting, it's taking everything to stop myself rushing to the streets and screaming it out loud at the top of my voice. SNK is back! It begins when you press the start button at the outset of the all-new Samurai Shodown, and when you hear that little chirrup that once heralded the start of a session on many a cherished Neo Geo. But then you see signs of it everywhere; in the colour and style and all-important swagger of a former great that's improbably found itself back in fighting shape.
The comeback has taken its time. You can trace its beginning all the way back to the company's nadir, when SNK Corporation ceased to be in 2001, all the way through to the SNK Playmore years and then through to the beginning of the resurgence in 2016 when the SNK name was fully restored. It wasn't just the name, either, with key staff coming back to help restore some of that former glory. Yasuyuki Oda, who served on the likes of Garou: Mark of the Wolves back in the day, was one of them, having spent his time away working at Dimps on such esteemed titles as Street Fighter 4. Nobuyuki Kuroki, responsible for so much of SNK's iconic artwork and another Dimps employee in the intervening years, is also back where it all began, and working as director on Samurai Shodown.
"I was gone for most of the 'dark ages'!" Kuroki tells us at a London preview event for the new game. "I'm really happy to be back - it's even better than it was in the past, especially when it comes to development. It's so much easier to get your voice heard by the higher ups than it was before, and I'm a big fan of that."
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