Chinese PUBG Mobile replaced with Game for Peace, where enemies wave as they die

Thinking about it, wouldn't all games be better if they had non-aggressive names? God of Ceasefire, Peaceframe, Gears of Truce. No? Well unfortunately for those in China, the country's government seems to think so, as its refusal to allow PUBG Mobile monetisation has meant Tencent has pulled the game and replaced it with a more patriotic alternative. It's called Game for Peace.

According to a report by Reuters, Tencent had been trying to get monetisation approved for PUBG Mobile for over a year in China. It's unclear whether the failure to get a green light was due to the game's violence or China's general crackdown on online gaming.

In any case, a game with no revenue stream is a dead one, and Tencent has clearly decided to simply pull the plug. The replacement, Heping Jingyping (Game for Peace), has already been approved by the Chinese government for monetisation. Tencent is apparently allowing players to transfer their characters to the new title, making the migration a little easier.

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