Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer feels fantastic - but there's cause for concern

At a recent Activision-hosted event in Los Angeles, I got the chance to go hands-on with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's competitive multiplayer portion and came away impressed - despite a few niggles and one lingering concern.

First up, the good stuff. Modern Warfare is a reboot of sorts for the franchise, and it taps into nostalgia for the series on the last generation of consoles. As such, it's a somewhat stripped down shooter sans some of the outlandish abilities seen in the previous games. You won't find super powers in Modern Warfare. Rather, a press of L1 and R1 activates your field equipment - a round of high-damage bullets, perhaps, or a deployable shield. You won't be flying through the air - unless you're blown away by a frag grenade, of course. The operatives you can play as are a cosmetic consideration only. After Infinity Ward's unsuccessful journey into space with 2016's Infinite Warfare, Modern Warfare makes sure to stay grounded.

Still, you can get up quite high. One of the best things about the new maps I played was the various mini-platforming sections that enabled you to reach higher ground. It's not always obvious how to get upstairs in a Modern Warfare multiplayer building because the stairs are probably rubble. So, you look outside for a bin that'll give you a leg-up to the first floor, or a stray ladder that helps you onto the roof. Modern Warfare's multiplayer feels like a battle for building space. Control the buildings and the rest will come.

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