Octane's taken over a town in the leaked Apex Legends event trailer

It wouldn't be Apex Legends without a leak, and although the game's Iron Crown Collection Event (with a limited time solos mode) is mere hours away, the teaser trailer has still managed to surface early. From an Nvidia Twitter account, of all things.
If you were hoping for a bunch of snazzy new skins, you're in luck, as the trailer shows off a range of collection skins for you to earn: including "Judge Jury Executioner" for Lifeline, "Captain Bamboozle" for Mirage and "The Warrior Empress" for Wattson, along with some kind of winged skin for Gibraltar. Lifeline looks fierce as hell.
Along with the skins, there's the fairly predictable (but welcome) news of a bonus XP weekend, event-specific challenges and new loot. This includes some ultra rare heirloom items for Bloodhound, meaning we'll have plenty of new loot box opening videos from streamers trying to get that axe. Hoorah.
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