As the Fallout 1st disaster hits mainstream headlines, Fallout 76 players head in-game to protest

This week Bethesda launched Fallout 1st - and it's fair to say the reaction has been pretty negative.

Fallout 76's £12 per month subscription was slammed by the bulk of the Fallout community for being ill-timed and ill-advised. It includes a raft of features players of the online-only Fallout game have called for since launch, such as private worlds, a scrap box for unlimited junk storage, a survival tent that creates a new, placeable fast travel point with a stash, sleeping bag and more, 1650 atoms per month to use in the shop, the Fallout New Vegas Ranger armour outfit and exclusive icons and emotes.

It got worse for Bethesda when it emerged some of the features locked behind Fallout 1st don't work properly. It turns out private worlds, one of the key draws of the subscription, are not actually private, and the scrap box is deleting some players' junk.

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