Charming pixel art game Yes, Your Grace re-emerges after years of silence

Yes, Your Grace is a handsome pixel art game about being a king. A king who sits on a throne while lines of people ask for things. Can you spare some gold and supplies to help a village after it was raided? Can you send someone to help find a lost boy? Can you help a farmer pay for his daughter's wedding? Wait what? Get on with you, you rascal! Lowborn or high, they all want something from you.

Help and your realm's Contentment will rise - but you can't help everybody. You barely have enough gold to get by, let alone repair your dungeon, and your supplies are dwindling. What's more, you don't have an army - and you know you will need one. You know because you've seen what's coming three years hence: an enemy at your walls. If you're not prepared, it will crush you.

Will your preparations be enough? Will you be able to muster the defences you need while juggling the happiness of realm, alliance and family? That, in a nutshell, is Yes, Your Grace - part adventure game, part strategy. Week by in-game week, you make your choices.

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