Here's what you'll get for your money in Pokémon Go's first paid-for global event

We knew it was coming, and now Pokémon Go maker Niantic has announced it officially - A Colossal Discovery is the first paid-for in-game Pokémon Go event to take place wherever you are.

You get a decent amount for your ticket price of £7.99/$7.99 but, as expected, it will require your cash, not earned PokéCoins. You'll also want to be able to play - and raid - for as long as possible on Saturday, 2nd November, from 11am til 7pm in your local time zone.

Crucially, if you don't fancy paying up, the Pokémon reward at the end of its quest will not be exclusive to the event. Regigigas will instead become the next EX Raid boss featured in invitation raids thereafter.

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