Fallout 76 refunds offered in Australia as ZeniMax admits it "likely" misled customers

It's coming up on a year since Fallout 76 was first released, and for some disgruntled Australian players, the time for a refund has finally arrived. If you requested one during the right time period, anyway.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which enforces consumer protection laws in Australia, has ruled Bethesda's parent company ZeniMax must offer refunds for certain Fallout 76 customers. Under Australian Consumer Law, customers are able to request a refund if a product is faulty or drastically differs from the description - and ZeniMax is in trouble for suggesting this option was unavailable.

In a statement, the ACCC explained that in the immediate aftermath of Fallout 76's release, it received multiple consumer complaints claiming ZeniMax told consumers they were not able to request a refund even after experiencing technical issues, such as "problems with the servers, lagging, graphic and visual problems".

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