Apex Legends seemingly just killed off brand-new hero Forge before he even got here

It was only last week that Respawn Entertainmentunveiled the latest character to be added to Apex Legends' playable roster - pro brawler Jimmie "Forge" McCormick - and now the developer appears to have, um, killed him off before he even got here.

As Respawn initially pitched it, five-time Hyperfighting Federation champion Forge was to be the newest addition to Apex Legends'hero line-up, and was due to arrive as part of the game's fourth season on 4th February.

So all seemed in order when the developer release a new "Stories from the Outlands" trailer earlier today, ostensibly to reveal more about the metal-armed newcomer. But rather unexpectedly, the video ends up in claret-drenched disaster as our new pal Forge seemingly meets his end at the hands of a very familiar character.

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