Apex Legends wraps up third season with Grand Soirée Arcade event next week

Apex Legends' third season is almost at an end, and developer Respawn Entertainment is planning to see it off in style via the free-to-play battle royale game's Grand Soirée Arcade event, which starts next Tuesday, 14th January.

The bulk of the event consists of seven limited-time modes - some entirely new and others returning favourites - with a new mode being rotated into action every two days until proceedings come to a close on 28th January. Here's the full schedule:

Accompanying the Grand Soirée Arcade event is a new prize track, giving players the opportunity to earn rewards by completing special challenges. Each limited-time mode will feature three challenges worth a total of 1000 points, and passing certain points thresholds on the track will unlock the likes of three weapon skins and a Mirage outfit skin.

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