PUBG apologises for performance issues, says it's been hit by DDoS attacks

If you've even briefly stuck your head into the PUBG subreddit in recent weeks, you'll have noticed things have taken... something of a downturn for the PC version since season 6 began. Multiple new bugs have been spotted, players have reported a severe increase in performance issues (particularly FPS drops), and one of PUBG's prominent streamers announced he would be "taking a break" as a result of the continuing problems.

One of the biggest complaints was a perceived silence from PUBG Corp on the issues - but the company has finally responded, and an official dev letter has been published to address community concerns.

"We know the last few months have had some ongoing issues impacting gameplay and wanted to take a moment to address everything," reads the letter on PUBG's Steam page. "We know the below issues have been extremely frustrating to deal with and we're sorry they've persisted for so long."

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