Rezzed Digital: No Longer Home is a heartfelt goodbye to an important stage in life

We're taking Rezzed online over the next few days, presenting sessions and bringing you highlights of what's new and interesting in the world of independent games. You can find more details on exactly what's going on over here, and we'll be bringing you more write-ups over the coming days.

Bo and Ao's bedroom is a mess. The bed is unmade, clothes litter the floor next to it. When I walk Ao over to the laundry hamper, they think about doing something about its worrisome state before deciding against it. You can find similar signs of apathy all over No Longer Home. Rotting fruit in a bowl. Unwashed dishes. Books spilled all over a desk. It's no surprise to find out that the house I'm exploring belongs to former students - it was clear from the moment Bo said "I feel like I'm always the one emptying the bin", echoed, not much later, by Ao's "I always forget to recycle the empty toilet paper rolls." The familiarity of it all makes me shiver.

I warm to No Longer Home immediately, not just for how it evokes nostalgia by showing the parts of student life I'm definitely not nostalgic for. I'm fascinated by how comfortable it is in taking inspiration from Kentucky Route Zero - from its low poly art style to the way the camera zooms in and retracts to the calming, yet eerie soundtrack that sometimes even brings the Americana-esque twang of guitars to a shared flat in London.

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