1 in 4 Ubisoft employees have seen or witnessed misconduct at work, a new staff survey reveals

An anonymous staff survey undertaken by 14,000 Ubisoft employees has revealed that 20 per cent of staff don't feel "respected or safe in the work environment" at the company, with 25 per cent of respondents - that's one in four - reporting they had either experienced or witnessed workplace misconduct.

According to The Verge, the survey - the results of which were shared alongside a letter from CEO Yves Guillemot - identified that women and non-binary employees, in particular, were more likely to have seen or experienced harassment.

Currently, women make up 22 per cent of all staff at the company. In correspondence to all staff, Guillemot confirmed Ubisoft was looking to improve the gender balance of the organisation by increasing the number of women employed at Ubisoft by 2 per cent by 2023 and committed to hiring a new head of diversity and inclusion and new vice presidents.

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