Flight Simulator's next World Update will work its makeover magic on the UK in January
Flight Simulator has only just released its latest World Update, this one giving the USA's most iconic landscapes some much-needed attention, but already developer Asobo is talking about its next round of planetary enhancements, confirming it'll be upgrading the UK in January.
In a similar fashion to earlier geographical spruce-ups for the USA and Japan, Asobo's third World Update will aim to create a more accurate rendition of the UK using "awesome" new data and aerial images for England, Scotland and Wales, and with a host of new landmarks.
In total, as revealed in Asobo's latest livestream, the studio is aiming to introduce 50-60 new points of interest, new procedural buildings (including churches), and improvements for a range of existing airports, such as Land's End, Liverpool EGGP, and Manchester Barton. Additionally, players can expect to see new landing challenges and a new Bush Flight.
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