Give Eivor a fancy new hairdo with this Assassin's Creed Valhalla mod

The world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla is filled with varied and extravagant hairstyles - unless you're Eivor, in which case most of these are off limits. Valhalla gives you a fairly small selection of Viking-approved haircuts which you can unlock and purchase by expanding your settlement, and even if you want to try out some Anglo-Saxon styles 'dos inspired by your time in England, you're normally stuck with your Nordic hairstyles. Until now, that is, as the inevitable customisation mod has arrived.

Made by hypermorphic, who previously created a similar mod for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Eivor Customiser is a PC mod that gives you access to a wide range of NPC haircuts from Valhalla. There are even a couple of haircuts from Odyssey in there, should you wish to run around as a Viking version of Kassandra.

You can also mess around with a range of hair colours and hairstyle variations. And yes, an immersion-shattering pink is available should you want it. Stranger things do happen in Valhalla.

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