Here are some PS5 and Xbox Series X/S game deals this Black Friday

With both the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 having launched this month, Black Friday has come around at an impeccable time for early console adopters in the UK. Though most sales have been focused on the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, that doesn't mean next-gen has been completely neglected either.

There's been a much larger launch line-up for both consoles than we've ever seen with previous generations, though a large part of this is due to a greater selection of cross-generation titles being available, many of which also offer a free next-gen upgrade. That isn't limited to just digital editions either - existing disc copies can be freely upgraded too, so some linked deals will take you to Xbox One or PS4 copies.

Keep in mind that some titles here haven't yet launched their next-gen versions but are due to soon, so you're essentially pre-ordering that copy while obtaining the existing version for cheap. You can find Sony's full PS5 list of digital discounts and Microsoft's entire selection here, but here's our top next-gen picks so far:

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