Sam & Max's VR adventure This Time It's Virtual shows off new gameplay footage

It's an unexpectedly eventful week for us Sam & Max fans; not only is Telltale Games' Sam & Max Save the World confirmed to be getting an unexpected - but wholly welcome - remaster, there's new footage of the wise-cracking anthropomorphic crime-fighting duo's previously announced VR adventure This Time It's Virtual.
Sam & Max: This Time It's Virtual will mark the Freelance Police's first brand-new video game outing since Telltale's third season of Sam & Max adventures, The Devil's Playhouse, in 2010.
"After decades of rescuing bigfoots, playing games of high-stakes poker against B-List celebrities, and preserving reality from cosmic nogoodniks," explains developer HappyGiant of its new VR adventure, "the world-renowned dog and rabbity thing are on a recruitment drive to fatten up the ranks of the Freelance Police...and they've come to you for help!".
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