Someone should make a game about: the music business

Someone once told me "if you like music, don't work in the music industry". After all, beyond the glamour, the fun, the creativity, the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll, it is a business. It's all about money.

Perhaps that's why so many video games focus on the end product. The Guitar and DJ Heros. The Singstars. The Dance Dance Revolutions. Here is a packaged version of fame that makes you feel like a star in your own living room. Music talent - arguably - not required.

And while that may be true of the music industry in some ways, what about a video game that requires not only musical knowledge but business knowledge too? A game to make you feel like the ultimate, all-powerful music mogul? (And no, I'm not talking about that Pop Idol game on PS2 with the terrifying Cel-shaded Simon Cowell )

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