Xbox Series X "smoke" videos go viral - but the effect can be created with a vape

Once again, the internet is full of conspiracy theories and rumours about the Xbox Series X overheating - but now that consumers have their hands on the console, this time we're getting some dubious video footage claiming the new Xbox is (quite literally) smoking hot. At least two videos appear to show "smoke" rising from the top of the Xbox Series X, and are now being widely shared around the internet.
Although the videos remain unverified, the footage alone was enough to alarm people, with many on Reddit and Twitter sharing the videos with messages of concern. But others pointed out the smoke looked similar to the vapour produced by a vape or e-cigarette, and someone has now taken the theory a step further with a demonstration.
Xbox news account Xbox Studio decided to test the vaping theory themselves, and managed to achieve a similar effect by blowing vapour into the bottom of the Xbox Series X, for it to then be sucked up out the top of the console. Those who created the original videos claimed their footage was real as their Xbox had "shut itself off": but the video from Xbox News shows that air is still cycled through after the power light has gone out. Long enough to create a fake smoking Xbox video, at least.
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