Xbox Series X/S and Call of Duty combine to break UK internet traffic records
This will come as little surprise to those who struggled to access Xbox Live earlier this week, but Tuesday was a really busy day for games downloads - with the Xbox Series X/S launch, Call of Duty updates and Assassin's Creed: Valhalla release combining to create a record-breaking day for internet traffic in the UK. And, you know, there's a pandemic going on. People have to do something.
As detailed by the BBC, the list of companies that noted a spike on Tuesday includes BT, Virgin Media, Vodafone, City Fibre, TalkTalk and Zen Internet. A Virgin Media press release said Tuesday had been the provider's busiest day on record across its network, and listed the following as the main offenders:
If you want an idea of how that all adds up, a total of 108 petabytes of data was used on Virgin Media alone (a petabyte is 1000 terabytes, or 1m gigabytes). That's an average of over 20GB per customer, and at the peak of recorded traffic, "the equivalent of 48 Assassin's Creed Valhalla games were being downloaded every second".
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