My favourite planet: The fragile tranquillity of Hillys, from Beyond Good & Evil
Early plans for Beyond Good & Evil were for it to feature multiple worlds - a vision its vapourware sequel was finally supposed to realise. But Beyond Good & Evil is all the more brilliant, I think, because of a sole focus on saving its singular planet: the beautiful, fragile Hillys.
It's hard not to fall in love with this chunky, colourful place when you're first introduced to it via Beyond Good & Evil's heroine Jade. There's a beautiful, memorable shot of her balanced on a cliff edge, practicing some kind of yoga with one of her orphan charges. Is it an orphan goat? I think it's a goat.
Anyway, Hillys is a peaceful world torn apart by war, and Jade's lighthouse sanctuary is where you are introduced to both her and the current, embattled state of everything.
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