The Humble Heal: COVID-19 Bundle has raised over 1 million dollars for charity

The COVID-19 relief Humble Bundle has raised $1,170,824 (£825,000).

Humble launched the Heal COVID-19 Bundle a couple of weeks back to support a number of charities aiding the hardest-hit countries such as Brazil and India, as well as the global medical effort to save lives. It's gone on to sell 54,374 bundles and raise aid for the humanitarian efforts of Direct Relief, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), International Medical Corps, and GiveIndia.

"Direct Relief is tremendously grateful to Humble Bundle and its community of passionate and generous people," Direct Relief said in a statement on the official website (thanks, The Gamer). "Their collective efforts will translate to critically-needed medicines, supplies, and other resources to the hardest-hit communities in India and Brazil as they continue to battle rising cases of COVID-19.

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