Respawn taking "huge steps" to fix Apex Legends DDoS problem

Over the past few months, Apex Legends players have increasingly reported problems with DDoS attacks in their games: one moment they've been sliding their way around World's Edge, the next, their game has frozen and they've been booted out. It's become a particular issue in Ranked games, where miscreants have used DDoS attacks to artificially boost themselves up the leaderboards. Hoovering up a bunch of disconnected opponents is easier than actually playing the game, after all.

Respawn has already indicated it's taking the situation seriously - banning some behind high-profile cases, and mentioning that it's even considering legal action against those carrying out the attacks. But it seems progress is being made towards a more permanent solution, with security analyst Conor "Hideouts" Ford explaining on Twitter that significant progress has been made on a fix.

"The DDoS situation is being addressed as we speak by our very own @ricklesauceur [lead software engineer Samy Duc]," Ford said. "It isn't the easiest fix in the world but huge steps are being made to take care of this."

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